Born in Bucharest, on 1 February 1931. Settled in Italy since 1971; Italian citizen (1978).
1954: BA in Classical Philology, Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest.
1967: PhD in Letters, Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, with a dissertation on general linguistics (The Syntactic System of the Language), issued by the Romanian Academy Publishing House under the title Theory and Method in Syntax and translated into Italian (Teoria e metodo nella sintassi, Bologna: Il Mulino, 1972).
1978: PhD (Doctorat d’état), with the distinction très honorable, Sorbonne University, Paris, with a dissertation titled Le système sémantique des adjectifs dans les langues romanes, Paris: Jean Fayard, 1979.
1954-1971: Assistant lecturer, lecturer, reader, professor, head of the Department of General Linguistics and Classical Philology, University of Bucharest. Courses and seminars in Latin, Greek, General Linguistics.
1971-1981: Professor of Romanian Language and Literature, then, of General Linguistics, University of Padova; Professor of Linguistics, University of Messina, Professor of Romanian Language and Literature, University of Venice.
1981-present: Professor of Linguistics, University of Bologna and (for a period of four years), Professor of German Philology, University of Bologna.
1990-1995: Professor of General and Applied Linguistics, Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, Forlì.
Visiting professor (Romance Philology and General Linguistics), Universities of Paris (France), Aarhus (Denmark), Lund (Sweden), Innsbruck (Austria), Lugano (Switzerland).
More than one hundred conferences at Universities in Italy, Romania, France, England, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Bulgaria, Latin America, USA, Canada, Israel, Egypt, Germany (Halle, Dresden, Munich, Augsburg, Tübingen, Frankfurt, Constanz, Bochum, Erlangen, Berlin, Heidelberg, Mainz, Müster, Göttingen, Düsseldorf, Mannheim, Bielefeld, Paderborn, Weimar, Freiburg i. Br., Saarbrücken), Austria (all universities), Denmark (all universities).
1956: BP Hasdeu Prize of the Romanian Academy.
1970: Director of the Semiotics Laboratory, University of Bucharest.
1990-present: President of the International Association for the Study of Dialogue, Bologna, and organizer of congresses at the Universities of Bologna, Prague, Paris, Salzburg, La Plata.
Vice-president of the Société Internationale de Linguistique Fonctionelle, Paris
1993-present: Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy.
Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Bologna Institute.
Since 1954, intense research activity within the Institute of Linguistics of the Romanian Academy; scientific collaborations include The Dictionary of Romanian Language (four volumes), Dictionary of Orthoepy and Punctuation, Grammar of Romanian Language, History of Romanian Language (two volumes).
More than twenty books and dozens of articles and studies in various scientific journals in Romania, Italy, France, Austria (see Bibliography), on themes of general linguistics, syntax, semantics, lexicology, history of Romanian language, pragmalinguistics, theory of argumentation.
Articles on Romanian linguists in Lexicon Grammaticorum, ed. H. Stammerjohann, Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1996.
Articles on Romanian and Italian languages in Lexikon der Romanistischen Linguistik, Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Member of the board of several journals: Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, Limba Romana, Lingua e Stile (Bologna), Francofonia (Bologna), Contextos (Spain), Studies in Communication Sciences (Lugano).
Member of several linguistic societies. Founding member of the International Association for Dialogue Analysis (IADA), Bologna.
Organizer of national and international congresses (Padova, Bologna, Paris, Prague, Basel, Gothenburg, Lugano, Salzburg.